
Well my life has been pretty simple these days.  I am married, no kids and 4 pets, 2 dogs a cat and a rabbit.  I would say I live a rather mondain life though, outside of going to the gym in the mornings to workout and the occasional golf outing it seems that at times my life is incomplete, that there’s more out there for one to live that what I am living.  There are times that I seem to be a complete failure in everything I do wether it be holidays, tests, not finding a job, or even having a bad round of golf, but we try to make the best out of those bad situations. 

I have been married going on 13 years now, but it doesn’t seem like it.  Sometimes I think it’s been shorter and other times it feels like its been a lot longer.  I love my wife with all my heart, and I know she has her problems in life just like the rest of us.  It’s interesting how everyone on this plant has delt with some form of stress at one point in time in our lives.  School, work, dates, money, car issues, weight loss, holidays, the list can go on and on, but I’m not here to talk to you about that.  I am here to talk about me and what goes on in my brain on a daily basis. 

Today was an average day, I was able to get my daily workout going with no stress involved.  Believe it or not, this might be one of the only time of the day where I’m not stressed at all.  I have my music blarring in my earbuds and I am focused on the workout at hand.  It’s tiring, but quite relaxing to let go of the world with nothing on your mind but how hard you’re working.  I then come home, get undressed, crawl into bed and just rest.  We normally have netflix on and running in the bedroom, and since I was working so hard at the gym this morning I decided to have a King of the Hill marathon.

I did eventually crawl back out of bed to go and visit some family members and talk about the idea of purchasing a new vehicle soon.  It was very pleasant to visit family members as they would do just about anything you ask them for.  I then came back home and went back to bed to watch more tv and give the wife a massage.  She enjoys the lotion and back runbs, and in a way I do to.  I know she goes through a lot on a daily basis and I wish I could cure her with magic, but unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.  I only wish sometimes that she’d offer to massage me or something instead of me having to ask for anything in return. 

Tonight for dinner we had Firehouse Subs that I went and picked up after running a few errands in town.  Dinner was good, then I went in the room to watch some tv and came back out to this point right here.  It’s cold and snowing, and i might just turn in for the night, or read some more of my book